Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tiny airborne pollutants lead double life: UBC, Harvard research

Tiny airborne pollutants lead double life: UBC, Harvard research [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Jul-2012
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Contact: Chris Balma
University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia and Harvard researchers have provided visual evidence that atmospheric particles--which are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, especially above densely populated areas--separate into distinct chemical compositions during their life cycle.

The observations could have important implications for modelling global climate change and predicting air quality conditions. The tiny particles, which form part of an airborne chemical mix above cities, play a role in pollution by providing a surface for chemical reactions and in climate by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation and by acting as seed surfaces for water condensation and cloud formation.

"We've confirmed experimentally that changes in relative humidity can separate the organic and inorganic material in individual atmospheric particles into distinct liquid phases, much like oil separates from water," says UBC professor Allan Bertram, Director of the collaborative research and training program on atmospheric aerosols at UBC and a principal investigator on the paper.

"Having two liquid phases rather than one can change the rates of chemical reactions on particles, may change the amount of light the particles reflect and absorb, and impact their ability to act as seeds for clouds."

The findings--which used air samples from Atlanta, Georgia, the Harvard Environmental Chamber, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Chamber--are to published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences next week.

"I think of it as the beautiful phenomenon when I mixed food coloring, water and vegetable oil in a bottle when I was in grade school," says Harvard researcher Scot Martin, Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Chemistry at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

"More to the point, this phenomenon is really new thinking in the atmospheric sciences, and it completely changes the way we need to think through the reactive chemistry of atmospheric particles, a key component of urban air quality."

The air in most urban environments contains particles that are mixtures of organic molecules and chemicals like sulfates. When examined, samples from Atlanta revealed distinct liquid phases that were qualitatively similar to idealized particles generated in the laboratory. The liquid-liquid phase separation occurs naturally.

Particulate air pollution is a relatively new area of study, but one of growing concern to researchers, health officials and environmental groups. Increases in the concentration of aerosols are correlated with increased health issues, including cardiopulmonary disorders.

"We need to understand as much as possible about the chemical composition, physical properties and interactions of atmospheric particles if we're going to assess how they impact human health, regional weather patterns, and even global climate change," notes Bertram, with the Department of Chemistry.


The research was partly funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through the Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program. CREATE supports the training of teams of highly qualified students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs.

The research was also funded by the Atmospheric Chemistry Program of the United States National Science Foundation,the Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Program of the Department of Energy, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Aerosol Climate Initiative.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Tiny airborne pollutants lead double life: UBC, Harvard research [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Jul-2012
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Contact: Chris Balma
University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia and Harvard researchers have provided visual evidence that atmospheric particles--which are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, especially above densely populated areas--separate into distinct chemical compositions during their life cycle.

The observations could have important implications for modelling global climate change and predicting air quality conditions. The tiny particles, which form part of an airborne chemical mix above cities, play a role in pollution by providing a surface for chemical reactions and in climate by reflecting and absorbing solar radiation and by acting as seed surfaces for water condensation and cloud formation.

"We've confirmed experimentally that changes in relative humidity can separate the organic and inorganic material in individual atmospheric particles into distinct liquid phases, much like oil separates from water," says UBC professor Allan Bertram, Director of the collaborative research and training program on atmospheric aerosols at UBC and a principal investigator on the paper.

"Having two liquid phases rather than one can change the rates of chemical reactions on particles, may change the amount of light the particles reflect and absorb, and impact their ability to act as seeds for clouds."

The findings--which used air samples from Atlanta, Georgia, the Harvard Environmental Chamber, and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Chamber--are to published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences next week.

"I think of it as the beautiful phenomenon when I mixed food coloring, water and vegetable oil in a bottle when I was in grade school," says Harvard researcher Scot Martin, Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Chemistry at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

"More to the point, this phenomenon is really new thinking in the atmospheric sciences, and it completely changes the way we need to think through the reactive chemistry of atmospheric particles, a key component of urban air quality."

The air in most urban environments contains particles that are mixtures of organic molecules and chemicals like sulfates. When examined, samples from Atlanta revealed distinct liquid phases that were qualitatively similar to idealized particles generated in the laboratory. The liquid-liquid phase separation occurs naturally.

Particulate air pollution is a relatively new area of study, but one of growing concern to researchers, health officials and environmental groups. Increases in the concentration of aerosols are correlated with increased health issues, including cardiopulmonary disorders.

"We need to understand as much as possible about the chemical composition, physical properties and interactions of atmospheric particles if we're going to assess how they impact human health, regional weather patterns, and even global climate change," notes Bertram, with the Department of Chemistry.


The research was partly funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through the Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program. CREATE supports the training of teams of highly qualified students and postdoctoral fellows from Canada and abroad through the development of innovative training programs.

The research was also funded by the Atmospheric Chemistry Program of the United States National Science Foundation,the Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Program of the Department of Energy, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Aerosol Climate Initiative.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/uobc-tap072512.php

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Showyou Adds Olympics Content To Its Apps, Now Has More Than 28,000 Video Clips (And Counting!)

Screen Shot 2012-07-30 at 11.47.36 AMOne problem with 2012 Olympics coverage is that there's so much of it. If you're in the U.S., you can turn to NBCOlympics.com for full video coverage of the Summer Games, including clips, highlights, and full-length video of competitions as they happen. But with all that content, it's difficult to sort through and find what you're actually looking for. Want a better way to find and discover what's happening at the Olympics? Showyou is trying to solve that problem, by automatically highlighting the Olympics content that its users are sharing with each other in the app and on other social networks.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/IguAuUR87Us/

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Source: http://news.ph.msn.com/business/article.aspx?cp-documentid=250522506

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

2012 London Olympics: Astrology of a global spectacle - blog*spot

While this blog is not updating at present, I shall be posting occasional pieces of specialist interest.

The 2012 Olympics commenced at ? ah, we have a problem. HM The Queen declared the Games open at 12:18am on July 28, 2012. But the Olympic Cauldron was lit at 12:35am. The starting moment is crucial to an accurate horoscope; fortunately, both times produce very similar charts in this particular instance. So, let?s go with 12:18am given it's the time of the Queen's command. I have used the Equal House system.

This gives us a chart ruler of Venus with Taurus rising; and Venus itself is in the 1st?house ? very well aspected, trining Mars and Saturn, underscoring an essential harmony to the intense rivalry at the heart of the Games. Venus also rules the Olympics? 5th House in which Mars is located, and H6 via Saturn, under Libra.

Intense physical energy, as you'd expect

This is a wildly stimulating and dynamic chart as might be expected of a global sports event involving over 200 nations: the cardinal t-square (Mars-Uranus H5-11opposition, square Pluto H8) locates physical dynamism in the theatrical house (H5) ? plainly a part-description of Danny Boyle?s spectacular celebration of British history and culture. H5 is also the sector we associate with competitive sport, amusements and children: it was interesting that Boyle made kids central to his show, with Harry Potter author JK Rowling introducing us to famous villains of children?s literature.

Uranus is strongly placed in H11 ? the house it is associated with through Aquarius ? pointing to the idealistic, innovative and impersonal nature of the competition: in Aries (ruled by Mars), this idealism has an intense physical expression, magnified by Mars? opposition in Libra: what might seem a physically dangerous aspect is contained by high ideals and a commitment to right relations so it is likely that Mars-Uranus here encapsulates the requisite and intense athleticism and international competition.

Other astrologers have perceived real terrorist threat in the Mars/Uranus opposition.

Other astrologers have also made much of Pluto, now strongly placed in its traditional H8, which is at the apex of the Mars-Uranus t-square: a reminder that immense financial power dictates the Games beyond sports considerations. Pluto also plays a part in at least two yods: (1) Sun/Mercury sextile Jupiter H1 inconjunct Pluto and (2) Pluto sextile Neptune/Chiron H10 inconjunct Sun/Mercury. The yod is a complex and awkward aspect, to be expected in a chart for such a complicated event as the Olympics.

Jupiter possibly takes the sting out of the Mars/Uranus opposition: sextile Uranus, trine Mars, Jupiter in Gemini bestows an expansive, upbeat and positive energy from the UK's house of its people, H1. No matter what financial problems indicated below, these Games are likely to be hugely profitable to the UK.

Financial row and raised injuries risk possible

The first yod, with Pluto conjunct accident-prone, practical fixed star Facies, describes the courageous physical manifestation of energy but warns of injuries ? perhaps many more than usual. That's if we are to take note of Facies.

Because Pluto ? associated with big money and business - is at the wrong end of the yod, there could be problems over financing of the event or some other cash-related headache or scandal: Pluto square Uranus could hint at the expensive pioneering features of this Olympics.

The second yod possibly involves the media (Mercury strong in its traditional H3 but retrograde) in some kind of disruption or controversy linked to finance. Mercury is also opposed by Pars Fortuna in H9 Aquarius ? this repeats the possibility of a media role in challenging some financial aspect of the Games. An alternative possibility is that Mercury (planet of short journeys) here warns of travel disruption (currently as I write not in evidence). With Sun so close to Mercury this could impact unfavourably on the national identity.

Also worth noting is Sun/Mercury conjunct unpleasant fixed star Praesaepe ? associated with, among other things, serious accidents. So the theme of injuries through accidents is repeated. My jury is still out on the reliability of fixed stars, incidentally.

Political differences over Olympics and self-image

Neptune in Pisces ? here representing national aspiration, the nation?s spirituality or higher values and imaginative construct of nationhood ? is located in H10, the house of public status in the eyes of the world: the very human face of Boyle?s show, with its emphasis on the NHS and music, fits perfectly this position.

Whether the presented national image is true or accords universally with all perspectives is another matter (Neptune inconjunct Mercury): again, critical voices may be expected, particularly in the media.

Saturn in the 6th?square MC but trine Venus describes the administrative rigour applied to the event and its very testing nature. Three trines between Sun/Mercury both to Uranus, Moon (on descendant) and North Node (in H7) however suggest a successful presentation overall.

UK Chart: Medals? A dangerous time?

In the UK?s 1801 ?birth? chart (not shown as a graphic here), Neptune is transiting the 5th?House ? not a position I would associate with an outstanding number of medals wins for the UK ? perhaps water-related sports are best favoured. Neptune is also conjunct birth Pluto opposite Saturn H11: the UK may beat itself up a bit over the Olympics and could feel its own limitations amid other nations.

The Olympics could also become something of a political hot potato as Uranus (right-wing) is inconjunct Neptune (left-wing): perhaps there is discord over what it means to be British along party political lines. The international dimension to this row is suggested by transiting Uranus on Descendant (other nations).

Tr Mars conjunct troublesome fixed star Algorab repeats the warning of accidents/injuries ? the massed ranks of soldiers assigned to guard the Games is very wise in what could be a highly dangerous phase.

Nonetheless, tr Sun/Mercury in H10 promises high prestige for the UK.

The Olympics chart for July 28 2012, 12:18am: London, UK

Free Chart 63%

Source: http://madamearcati.blogspot.com/2012/07/2012-london-olympics-astrology-of.html

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The modern day kitchen has become a very big and wide place for not only cooking and keeping the edibles in shelves and fridge, but also to have the meals together. This means the kitchen has to be odour free of the smell of oil, fumes, spices and smoke. Here comes the acute requirement of the kitchen extractor fan. Most of the kitchens make do with the simple axial kitchen extractor fans that are being mounted on the hole in the wall that works as the ventilation tunnel for the extractor fan kitchen has. However, precise equipment is always required for the job that should have an extra edge to it, to meet all the requirements with precision. The solution to this dainty need is the kitchen hood exhaust fan which is in use at most of the kitchens.

If one considers the large variety of availability of the kitchen extractor fans it will create a big dilemma for the person on what to choose and what not to choose for the house. The extractor fan you choose should work in accordance with the requirement you have, as well as it should make your kitchen look good. This type of kitchen extractor fancomes in many categories such as Glass canopy hoods, Black cooker hoods, Stainless steel hoods, Island range hoods and more. The exhaust fans in the kitchen not only ventilate the area and purify the kitchen's air, but they also work as protectors to your home as well.

While you cook, there is more than a delicacy coming up off the burner. It's not only the fumes but also the smoke, oil vapors, steam and a lot of other residues in the atmosphere of the kitchen. These residues, mostly oil vapors gather up on the ceiling of the kitchen and form an oily layer which after sometime becomes very thick. This vapor could also form layers of oil on your furniture and other articles throughout the whole house. This results in a fast decay and somewhat damages the furniture and the other articles in the house. Moreover, the house is at a huge risk to catch fire for it has got a lot of inflammable residues stuck to it with time, from the oil vapours that were released while cooking. The extractor fan kitchen would save you from this trouble in the long run, while an array of kitchen extractor fans would give you a good option to choose from, the best kitchen extractor fan would be the one that fits excellently to your kitchen as well as to your pocket. Do a little browsing and you will find several online stores offering these models, so go for the purchase and make your home complete.

About The Author:

Mr N Kandola is a prominent internet entrepreneur, with a vivacious appetite for knowledge and understanding of the UK air conditioning market, which has ensured he has taken the UK market by storm. He is a contributor to the decision making processes of manufacturers in the LED market in the UK, and provides valued opinion to many commentators in the sector. He is associated with Air Con Centre. Air Con Centre is a leading online retailer of all air conditioners and ventilation equipment for the home or office. Their range of products includes portable air conditioners, split air conditioning systems, multi air conditioning systems, extractor fan, dehumidifiers and much more.

Keywords: kitchen extractor fan, kitchen extractor fans, extractor fan kitchen, air conditioners, dehumidifiers

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Report: Deadly gas leak at Apple supplier's plant

By NBC News staff and wire reports

TAIPEI - A?chlorine gas leak at an Apple Inc. supplier's Chinese plant killed one person and left four others in comas,?Xinhua Net reported late on Thursday.

Catcher Technology confirmed that an incident at its factory in?Suzhou, eastern China,?had caused injuries.

Xinhua reported the gas leak occurred during waste water processing.

Read more China coverage in our Behind The Wall blog

"It has nothing to do with our production or material used,"?James Wu, Catcher's vice president of corporate finance, told Reuters. "It happened when a contractor was processing waste; it was routine work. We are currently trying to understand what has gone wrong."

Wu did not confirm the number of the casualties or the nature of their injuries.

Worker at Apple supplier: 'We're humans, we're not machines'

The company later issued a statement, saying the accident involved five workers, though it also did not detail the nature of any injuries.

"The accident happened at the waste disposal facility and is not directly related to any manufacturing process, factory, or materials. This is also a single and isolated event," the statement said.

Worker suicide at Chinese plant of Apple supplier

Last October, a separate Catcher plant in Suzhou was ordered closed for a time because of complaints from nearby residents about strong odors from gas emissions.

Catcher Technology supplies metal casings for Apple Inc. and Dell Inc., the Wall Street Journal reported.?

The newspaper added:

China-based suppliers of electronic components for global brands have been under scrutiny in recent years following a spate of industrial accidents, pollution charges and employee suicides.

In one example of how international firms have addressed such issues, Apple is working with major supplier Foxconn Technology Group, which makes iPhones and iPads, to improve conditions at its factories in China after an audit report found excessive working hours and health and safety issues there.?

Go Figure: Foxconn, Apple's primary supplier in China, is under heat for dismal working conditions for employees. Melissa Harris-Perry tallies up the list of Foxconn's infractions and how they factor into Apple's record profits.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/27/12982096-report-deadly-gas-leak-at-apple-suppliers-plant-in-china?lite

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

PAPIER CREATIF Studio Scrapbook*Works: Papier Creatif Creative ...

"I'm Manuela and I live with my family in Germany! ?I like to?knit?socks,?read?detective?novels and?photograph?a lot.??2007 is when digi?caught?me -scrapping?is such?the?virus! I?came into scrapping?through a small family?forum where?it had just?come?into vogue.?We came home from?our?Denmark?vacation and?I?wanted to?make?a photo book?to commemorate it, but?the images were?boring?and didn't convey the trip?with?such?small elements.? My?favorite?kits?are?usually?Maritime?kits ... I love the sea,?the sun and the?beach! My scrap?style?is?described?as?very?clean?and?simple ...?and I?like to?scrapbook?with bright?papers! I love?colorful layouts! ?I have been digital scrapbooking?since?2009, along with Project?365 and?I?scrap?every week.? I scrap to create?great memories!"

"My name is Jolanda, 37 years and from The Netherlands. I began scrapping in a forum that gave lessons to create a nice page. ?Then somehow i saw the DST site and looked a little further. I had my own store but for family stuff i needed to stop. Maybe someday i start again designing.? I have 2 daughters, Nathalie is almost 13 (july 31) and Merilyn is 11.? I have been married to the love of my life for 14 years now.? We have 2 dogs, labrador retrievers. Hugo (9 ) and Luca (8 months) ?I love to walk with them, but also love to run."

"I have been digi-scrapping for four years. I never was a paper scrapper. I liked the idea, but didn't feel like I had great photos, and thought it was expensive. While earning my Web design certification at the local junior college, I learned Photoshop and found that I could repair and restore our old family photos, as well as my own. I chanced upon a book on digital scrapbooking at the library. I brought it home, and devoured it. At our public library, we are allowed to checkout books up to three times, for three weeks each time. I kept that book for the maximum allowed!!!! I was hooked. Still am. "Fanatic!", says my husband. "Passionate," say I. ?My purpose in scrapping is to tell the story, visually and in journaling, of our family. I will never write a book, but I can impart many things through these pages. Besides that, I find it relaxing and exhilarating all at the same time."

"I am a sahm to two wonderful girls. Bailey is 8 and Aubrey is 3. It's a very hard job, but someone's got to do it :-)? My interests are varied; knitting, crocheting, digital scrapbooking, sewing, reading, watching great TV and movies, spending time with my family."

"I started scrapbooking over ten years ago when I hosted a Creative Memories party at my house. I've always taken tons or pictures, so naturally I was instantly hooked! It was after I had my daughter in 2004 and when she was old enough to get her little hands on my scrapbooking supplies that I discovered digital scrapbooking! THANK GOD! hahaha No more pulling out tubs of paper and stickers, glue and ribbons...and no more little fingers to steal my stuff! Digital scrapbooking was a mix of some of my favorite things! My laptop, photos and creativity? There isn't a day that goes by that I don't sit and scrap a page or two. I've created photo books as gifts for family/friends and memories that will last a lifetime. It is definitely my vice after a long day of standing on my feet cutting hair.??My name is Patricia, and I'm a Scrapaholic."

* * * * *

Introducing my fantastic new team of digital scrapbook layout artists who rock! ?Each unique, versatile and immediately got to work creating some fabulous layouts like these from my Feelin' Lucky kit! I only wish my CT lived closer so when a mango margo beckoned, we could go get one together! ?








Get some digi time in! ?And check out my STORE this weekend for 30% Off Everything, including Commercial Use Digital Scrapbook Elements and some $1 Tweets!


Source: http://papiercreatif.blogspot.com/2012/07/papier-creatif-creative-team.html

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Plentyoffish Com Free Online Dating Service Dating Site Url | Finer ...

Plentyoffish Com Free Online Dating Service Dating Site Url

Article by Edmund Atkins

Plentyoffish Com Free Online Dating Service Dating Site Url ? Relationships

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Dating is one conventional way of ending up in a commitment. A partner in life does not come out of the wave of the magic wand. You need to go through a process and that is called as dating. Dating is likewise an effective tool for courting so that you would end up reaping the fruits of your labor at the end of it all.

These days, online dating is one of the primary trends for those who are seeking for their prospect partners. Who said so that only researching and shopping have gone high tech? For one, dating services are now accessible online!

Check My Own Recommendation For A Free Dating Service

Yes, you?ve read it right. The internet is your latest and most innovative comfort when it comes to finding yourself a date and soon to be partner. The best online dating services can be accessed from a multifarious websites. You simply need to key in the words ?online dating services? and you would be directed to the list of websites that can provide you with such opportunities.

Membership Payment. Of course, you?ve got to pay for the package of your choice and the rates vary as well. The features of the packages may include the receipt of email and chat alerts, background checks, voice messaging, and many others. Help and Support Status. FAQs, tutorial pages, customer representatives, and the likes are provided to ensure client satisfaction.

The best online dating services allow you of a wide range of search location options. The results must then be quick and detailed. Personal profiles, physical elements, hobbies, interests, lifestyle, religion, and other related characteristics are among those that lead you to the best and most perfect candidate for your standards.

Compatibility Study. In order for these online dating services to ensure that you find no one else but the perfect person for you, some compatibility analyses are done. Your personal data bank is matched with that of another person for some comparison and contrast.

Plentyoffish Com Free Online Dating Service

About the Author

Edmund Atkins writes regularly about relationships related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Edmund Atkins

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Edmund Atkins writes regularly about relationships related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Source: http://finerlifestyle.com/relationships/plentyoffish-com-free-online-dating-service-dating-site-url/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Windows Phone 8 SDK leaks show quiet upgrades to backup, media and the kitchen sink

Windows Phone 8 SDK leak shows us big backup, browser and Xbox revamps

The Windows Phone 8 SDK has escaped to the wild, and some sifting through the device emulator has dug up elements that Microsoft either skipped or only touched on lightly during the big unveiling in June. The most important addition may be the one customers see the least: backup. A WP7.hu search has the new OS replicating apps, settings and SMS messages in the cloud to prevent disaster, and that new SD card support will let WP8 owners shuffle photos from internal storage to the removable kind for safekeeping. There's also more work on Internet Explorer than we saw before, with MobileTechWorld noticing that DataSense provides an option for Opera-like remote compression to save that precious cellular bandwidth.

Media fans might have the most to gain. If we go by The Verge, both the Music/Video and Xbox hubs are getting fresh coats of paint -- both to integrate new ventures like Xbox Music as well as to jive more closely with the SmartGlass visual theme. Shutterbugs will like the long-awaited options to crop and rotate their work, pick multiple photos, and unify third-party camera apps under a Lenses concept. There's even more clever features in store, such as a Maps update that finds nearby WiFi hotspots, so head on over to the sources to get a full sense of where Microsoft will be going.

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Windows Phone 8 SDK leaks show quiet upgrades to backup, media and the kitchen sink originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/27/windows-phone-8-sdk-leaks-show-quiet-upgrades-to-backup-and-media/

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Prospects of Franchise Business in India

Basically, Franchise is a French term that was derived from franc, which means free. This is an agreement between the franchisor and franchisee, in which the individual buying into a franchise will market a product or service created and provided by the franchisor. The one who originally owns the business is called the franchisor and the one who pays for using the business model is called the franchisee. It is a form of business ownership where you are halfway functioning as your own boss, as a business owner, but also working within an established organization and system. Franchising offers business owners the ability to work for themselves, but with the security of an existing framework and support to help them achieve success. However, franchising is not a magic formula, and franchisees will still have to have strong entrepreneurial skills and the dedication to ensure the business functions to the best of its ability.

You will find that there are two main types to choose fromwhen looking to buy a franchise. One is business franchises and the other type is product/trade name distribution franchises. The franchisee receives the whole setup to start their own business, including trademarks, logos, marketing, a clearly defined business plan, as well as ongoing support from their chosen franchisor, in exchange for an upfront franchising fee and ongoing royalties, for business format franchises.

Franchise in India is the niche sector to attain growth at a faster pace. Thinking to start a franchise is quite easy then to actually start. Many companies, whether big or small are expanding in India through franchising. Their models are quite simple and mouth watering that show profitability in the papers.

Out of all the major business entities around the globe,India is definitely very high on the priority list and this is actually no surprise considering how the market has expanded in the last decade. This coupled with the growing population that states that India today has a middle class that is larger in population than the entire population of the United States of America. And as everyone knows, the middle class with a spending power is what drives the business all over. Franchising in India has to be at an all time high and so it is with scope for much-much more, considering the present situation and the future indications. However, it is always beneficial to go through an analysis about the product and prospects, if one wants to get the franchises of any kind.

One gets a large number of options today in terms of the nature of business, the company regulations, the business models etcto get a franchise in India. For that reason it is of utmost importance for a prospective franchisee to be sure about what he or she is venturing into. What form of business product or service would be successful at that place? Many of the franchise in India provides as options take this factor into consideration before agreeing to go into a partnership of any kind. However, it is also advisable for the party themselves to do this analysis on their own. For instance,in a tier two or tier three city,a chain of high end fashion store would hardly be a promising venture whereas an educational setup has all the reasons to succeed.

It is estimated that there are 2000 + Franchise Opportunities in India. These are organized and provide a steady and stable business for entrepreneurs. You could reach a reputed franchise consultant and understand which ones could be suitable for you, while you are all set to be the earliest capitalizers of the franchise boom in India.

Source: http://franchisebazar.postbit.com/prospects-of-franchise-business-in-india.html

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Fred Willard tells Fallon: 'I did nothing wrong'

Lloyd Bishop / NBC via AP

Fred Willard tells "Late Night" host Jimmy Fallon his side of his recent adult theater arrest.

By Ree Hines

Actor-comedian Fred Willard wants to set the record straight following his July 18 arrest for suspicion of engaging in a lewd act at an adult movie theater. According to the "Best in Show" star, it?s all a big misunderstanding.

Willard visited "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" on Thursday night and started with an ice-breaker before moving on to the serious stuff.

"You know, let me say this: It's the last time I'm going to listen to my wife when she says, 'Why don't you go out and see a movie?' " Willard joked.

As for the movie in question, well, Willard insists he didn?t exactly plan that excursion.

"The whole adult theater thing -- I thought they were gone!" he said. "And I see this one, it has such a Polynesian, exotic look to it. I said, 'Maybe there?s hula dancers in here. Maybe there?s mai tais.' I went in, and I realized I was the only one awake and sober and conscious. ... It was like a trip down Alice in Wonderland -- down the rabbit hole."

And just as innocent, as far as he?s concerned.

"It?s embarrassing as hell, but let me say this: Nothing happened," Willard explained. "I did nothing wrong. Everything?s being sorted out as we speak."

The actor admitted that though he?s ?tried to laugh it off,? it?s been a painful ordeal for him. And from his recollection of the outing, it definitely wasn?t worth it.

"My summary of the whole evening was: It?s an interesting theater, a boring movie and a great place to take a nap."


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Source: http://theclicker.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/27/12991875-fred-willard-tells-jimmy-fallon-i-did-nothing-wrong?lite

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Here Are Some Great Ways To Improve Your Home

Home improvement projects are fun and exciting, but can also be a challenge when you are doing it all yourself. Even if you do choose to employ professional services for your home improvement project, there are things to consider and you want to make only the best choices. Read these tips provided to get a good idea of where to start and what you will encounter.

To properly stain your deck yourself, be sure that you use the proper tools to do so starting with the brushes you use to apply the stain. If you choose a oil based stain, a natural bristle brush is the way to go. When using a stain that is water based use a brush with nylon bristles.

A great thing about home decor is that oftentimes it doesn?t have to match. You can buy a great dining room table and mix and match chairs. This is great for cottage and country-styled homes. Buying a table second hand and adding chairs from different places actually creates a great design element, as well as a sense of accomplishment. Give those used chairs a chance to shine!

Make sure that your contractor checks on the building code, whenever you make a major change to your house! Often, people will make sweeping changes to their house just because they feel like it or because they feel it will make their home more grand. If you make a change that causes a safety issue, you could end up in major trouble down the line.

Most apartments come with pre installed blinds or curtains. If you don?t like these, check with the management to see if you are allowed to change them or not. Lots of management companies want to promote a uniform look and they don?t allow you to change anything that alters the outside image of the building.

When you are getting ready to deep clean your deck, make sure you have all of your materials ready before hand. Some of the things you will need to get together are a pressure washer, a nice sturdy scrub brush, commercial deck cleaner, a hose, and a hefty broom you can use outdoors.

A good home improvement tip is to make sure the company you?re doing business with is legit. If a company doesn?t give you a physical address and only conducts business over the phone, that means they?re probably small time and aren?t very reputable. Try to go with companies that have a strong reputation.

Use semi-gloss paint on trim or moldings and high humidity areas. Semi-gloss paint looks fantastic on trim and moldings, as it really draws attention to the detail. It can also be used on bathroom and kitchen walls, as it is very resistant to humidity, and withstand stains. Be careful to only use gloss paint on a really smooth surface, as imperfections will be highly visible. That being said, it is the easiest of all paint finishes to clean.

If the outside of your home is looking a bit drab and old, why not put new outside light fixtures up. There are a lot of outside light fixtures available on the market and they all have something special. Putting a new light on your home adds a touch of class, elegance and style.

If you are thinking of changing the flooring in your home, go with hardwood flooring. Hardwood is much easier to clean that carpeting and other kinds of wood. It is also very strong and durable and looks attractive. Another advantage of hardwood is that it can refinished from time to time, so it can always appear to be brand new!

Are you planning on painting the trim around your windows as a part of your home improvements? Here is a trick that will save you some time. If you have a steady hand, you do not need to mask off the glass when you are painting the trim. If you get a small lap of paint on the glass, simply remove the wet paint from the glass with a damp cloth wrapped around the blade of a putty knife. If the paint has already dried, you can use a razor blade to remove it.

If you plan to renovate your whole house, start small by transforming one room or area of your home and see how it turns out. If it isn?t what you were hoping for, you still have time to hire help or learn how to better plan your entire renovation.

Be careful to what degree you personalize your home improvement projects. What appeals to you now may not appeal to potential buyers down the road. The more specialized and substantial your project is, the smaller return on investment you can expect to receive when you sell your home in the future.

Before using your kitchen cabinet drawers to put your utensils and other things in, consider a solution to keep them clean. A lot of discount and dollar stores sell vinyl wallpaper that has an adhesive back. Cut a piece of the adhesive wallpaper to fit your drawer, then peel off the backing and adhere. Taking this step will prevent your drawers from getting damaged and the wallpaper can be easily peeled off and replaced.

As you can see, home improvement can be very easy. With the tips above, you can accomplish the task of turning your home into your private sanctuary, a place you are proud to call home. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and start that home improvement project you?ve been thinking about.

Do you want to learn more about ways to get a good robot cleaner for your home? Then check out the Roomba reviews or read about irobot Roomba robotic vacuum now.

Source: http://cathedralrockpublishing.com/2012/07/here-are-some-great-ways-to-improve-your-home/

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Why Aren't You In Shape Yet? ? 6400 Personal Finance

I swear I am going to tie this in to personal finance.

Did you see the tagline for this blog? ?A Comprehensive Approach To Your Net Worth.?? You didn?t think I just meant money stuff did you?

A couple weeks ago I laid out line by line how with a relatively small outlay of $2,000 you could outfit your home with a badass set of gym equipment that will most likely not need to ever be replaced.? It included dumbbells, a?barbell, a complete 300 lbs weight set, bench, and a power cage.?If you can?t build a family of physically fit beasts?with those kinds of resources something has gone terribly wrong (I?m betting lack of motivation?on your part).

When I say physically fit beasts don?t think I?m talking Arnold size (although that would qualify).? I am a little below average height for men with a correspondingly?less than impressive bodyweight: I am in decent shape.? There are some guys in my unit though with?approximately the same build as me who are bonafide freaks of nature.? One of them?has maybe one inch in height and twenty pounds on me but is throwing around heavier weights than our 200 pound dudes.? Oh, he can also run two miles?in?less than 11 minutes, guess he is in a hurry or something.? In any case do you see my point?? Physical fitness in its truest sense is a measure of capability, not size.? Bodybuilders are a breed of athlete that specialize in size, as a member of the general public your overall goal is?improved health and improved capability.

The good news is that?fitness can be had at a very cheap price.? The bad news is that it is going to involve some mental toughness on your part (the horror!).? Since the alternative is being surprised with, I don?t know,?diabetes (LINK), perhaps you should?hear me out on the virtues of ?embracing the suck.?

$2,000 is a lot of money, got it.? Far be it from me to suggest that maybe you don?t need a $15,000 emergency fund when you have health insurance, car insurance,?homeowners insurance, etc???Lets assume that you don?t have that kind of cash lying around, how can you be expected to get into shape like these studs and studettes.??For them the competition?lies not in a game or sport but in the actual workout itself, surely they shell out tons of cash to achieve those rock-hard bodies right?? Well, to a certain extent yes, being a member of an actual Crossfit gym is expensive as is membership in most other commercial gyms.? Suppose I told you that I could get you going on the road to physical fitness for a one-time purchase of $30?? Would you be interested? (<? rhetorical question)

$30 gets you a pullup bar that you can mount in your bedroom doorway without the need for screwing it into the doorway itself.? Takes about two seconds to set up and then take down.? It also allows you to perform pullups, chinups, ankles to bar, and any other number of exercises that involve getting your feet off of the ground.? I could get you in shape for free but pullups are just so ridiculously awesome at turning you into a physically useful human being that to not get the bar would almost seem criminal.

So now that we have you equipped with a pullup bar (I?m assuming you have a doorway available) and your body the next common excuse for not being in shape is ?not enough time.?? If this is your excuse let me ask you if you do any of the following at least three times a week:

Watch a half-hour format TV show
Prepare?a Digiorno (sp?) pizza
Read 10-15 news articles and/or blog entries online

Its not an all-encompassing list but I bet most of you reading this are guility of some of these activities.? Be honest with yourselves, heck I am guility of the first and last ones on a daily basis and the middle one on pretty much a weekly basis.? All three involve more than twenty minutes of that time that you just don?t have.? Allow me to suggest a simple trade: any of those activities for Alice.

Who is Alice?? Alice is a very simple workout consisting of three basic exercises: the pullup, the pushup, and the squat (no bar, just your bodyweight, this is cheap remember?).? The exercises are performed like so:

5 reps of pullups
10 reps of pushups
15 reps of squats

For those of you unfamiliar with Crossfit terminology performing that group of exercises one time though is one ?round?.? The way Alice works is you do as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes.? The only measure of how well you are doing is what you did last time vs what you did this time.? Being a mere mortal my best score at this point is 16 rounds, some of the guys I referenced earlier are in the 23-25 round range.? If you start out doing five rounds and you had to stand on a chair to help you with the chinups thats fine as long as when you do it the next month you can do six rounds.? Thats the beauty of working out: you only have to compete against yourself, progress is measured by your performance now versus your performance in the past, not how well you stack up against that guy who ran track at LSU.

20 minutes and $30: you know that you can afford it, the only question is whether you want it badly enough.? Frankly, if you are truly a personal finance nut and are really into being frugal and saving every penny that you can then I would call your bluff if being physically fit was not one of your top five priorities.? Its a lot more expensive to be fat and diseased than it is to be lean and mean.? Or, as said in better by the legendary Mark Rippetoe:

Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.

Yeah, what he said.

Source: http://6400personalfinance.com/2012/07/25/why-arent-you-in-shape-yet/

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No, You're Not Imagining It. The Presidential Contest Really Is That Uninspiring (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Source: http://news.feedzilla.com/en_us/stories/politics/top-stories/238306986?client_source=feed&format=rss

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Advance Media Marketing and some NetSafe tips for getting your ...

We received an interesting call this morning?inquiring?about the?validity?of a telesales offer from a UK based company to put a small Kiwi business ?on the first page of Google?.

This kind of call always gets my attention for a couple of reasons:

  1. Why would a UK company be phoning New Zealand businesses?
  2. Anyone?promising?to get you on the first page of Google immediately raises my suspicions due to 15 years first hand experience helping get small businesses online.

The company is called Advance Media Marketing and are based out of an office in Stockport, Manchester in the UK. A quick Google for the name turns up this scam report by a NZ company from just last month as the top result.

Their offer includes ?no click cost/no contract? which makes me wonder how much of the ?299 NZD?5x most popular key phrase? actually gets spent on Google adverts for the small business owner.

Web marketing and getting more business from the internet

It?s ?certainly true that being on the first page of Google is a very good place to be for your small business as you are many times more likely to receive genuine visitors clicking through than if your website is down on page 7 of the results for ?widgets?.

With Kiwis spending ever more money online in the hunt for bargains, a website, good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and money spent on Search Engine Marketing (SEM) via Pay Per Click advertising (PPC) can get you low cost?targeted?results when compared with more traditional marketing spend.

You just have to look at the efforts Yellow Pages has made in New Zealand to shift to being a digital company and partnering with Google as an SME Partner?to understand how the local business advertising landscape is changing as people move to looking for companies and services online.

So what would NetSafe recommend if you get called by the company from?44 (0) 161 300 2261?

Dealing with any company outside of the country always bring increased risks for you as a shopper with reduced consumer safeguards ? if you decide to go ahead with any overseas purchase always use a credit card and this brings you the ability to query or chargeback a transaction within 60 days by calling your bank should the product or service disappoint.

You can of course hire a local NZ Google AdWords Partner to do similar work for you and likely meet them face to face. It may be preferable to deal with another Kiwi small business and keep your dollars circulating in the local web design,?development?and marketing economy.

SEO and SEM have always been wrongly portrayed as a dark art with jargon and mystifying terminology used ? Google now goes to great pains to explain how anyone can create their own AdWords advert, it is after all their main revenue earner as a web advertising (not search) business:

If you don?t have a business website and want to get online there are many good places to get advice:

Always do your own research and make your mind up about any telephone sales offer before parting with your money. You can find more advice about consumer rights and scams at?www.consumeraffairs.govt.nz.

Source: http://blog.netsafe.org.nz/2012/07/26/advance-media-marketing-and-some-netsafe-tips-for-getting-your-business-online/

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The 3 Dirtiest Words in Investing - Wall Street - eWallstreeter

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Source: http://ewallstreeter.com/the-dirtiest-words-in-investing-3033/

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Police: Ohio suspect asked to confess at NY church

(AP) ? Nine days after a slain woman's body was discovered in a burning home in Ohio, her fugitive boyfriend turned up at a New York City church seeking to make a confession, police said Wednesday.

Authorities in Columbus had charged Jonathan Smith with murder last week after identifying him as a suspect in the death of his girlfriend, Darlene Hart.

Amid a manhunt, Smith showed up Monday at St. Francis of Assisi church in Manhattan and "asked to make a confession," said New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne.

Browne had no information on what Smith said to make clergy call the police, or whether he revealed anything in a confessional. But after NYPD officers arrived, the suspect made statements about the slaying in Ohio, the spokesman said.

Smith, 48, was arrested and waived extradition Wednesday at a brief court appearance. A public defender told the judge Smith's attorney in Ohio had instructed him not to answer questions in New York. Reached by phone, the attorney declined to discuss the case.

A man answering the phone at St. Francis of Assisi on Wednesday said no one there would comment.

On July 14, authorities responding to a report of a fire at a Columbus home discovered Hart's body in first-floor hallway. Police at the time said they were looking for Smith, and that he was driving a white 2006 Acura with Ohio plates.

Police gave an update Friday saying Smith was charged with murdering the 47-year-old victim, but didn't give a cause of death.

On Tuesday, Columbus police said they had dispatched investigators to New York to try to interview Smith. They had no immediate comment on Wednesday.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/aa9398e6757a46fa93ed5dea7bd3729e/Article_2012-07-25-Homicide%20Suspect-Church%20Confession/id-580911dddf6c45ab9d491d9a55e1de4b

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

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On 07.24.12, In Business, by mrblue A company's strategies define its future direction, specifying not only target market positions for many years to come, but also the key competitive advantages both at the level of market offers and of resources. Developing future strategies is an important and complex task, which is the core issue in this book. After a short introduction to strategic planning, a heuristic process for determining future strategies is presented. This process is divided into?eight steps, and for each of these steps, detailed recommendations for problem-solving are provided and illustrated through many concrete examples. The new edition is improved.? Download from SociFilesPassword: ebookmeme.com

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Source: http://ebookmeme.com/business/process-based-strategic-planning-4th-edition.html

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Frost & Sullivan on Private Equity: Emerging ... - Business News Asia

Released on July 24th, 2012

Diversified financial and real estate funds continue to be attractive investments

LONDON, July 24, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ ? For the private equity sector, 2011 was a roller coaster year, with the first half retaining the momentum from 2010 and the second half being affected by the global economic scenario. Fears of a double dip recession and credit downgrades in the West had an impact on the private equity industry in terms of fund raising, deal activity and exits. However, diversified financial and real estate funds continue to be attractive investments with financial technology being the most interesting opportunity. Emerging economies also hold a strong potential.

A new analysis from Frost & Sullivan on Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment Trends in the Financial Services Industry in Europe reveals that private placements in the financial services sector in Europe declined 30 per cent in 2011 in comparison to 2010. The average deal size of the sector has decreased, which indicates a decline in investor confidence.

?Last year banking and insurance witnessed a fall in private equity activity,? says Frost & Sullivan Financial Analyst Sheetal Kothari (
http://www.financialservices.frost.com( http://www.frost.com/prod/servlet/finsvc-home.pag )). ?The average time taken to raise funds has also significantly increased by more than 80 per cent (11 months to 20 months) from 2006 to 2011. Additionally, there were fewer number of funds raised in 2011, compared to the fund raising cycle of 2005-2008. Due to sluggish growth and increasing risk in developed economies, fund raising will continue to be a challenge in 2012-2013.?

?With an unsustainable amount of dry powder funds, private equity firms are facing increasing pressure to use the money raised in the previous fund cycle,? remarks Kothari. ?However, distressed companies are reluctant to sell out during the current economic uncertainty because of problems regarding correct valuations of their companies.?

The trend regarding deal activity for private placements in the financial services sector mostly resembles that of the overall private equity market. Although there has been significant rebound in deal volume post the 2008 crisis, overall investments in financial services have been on a downward trend since 2008.

?The reasons for the decline in activity are weak financial and capital markets, low investor confidence, credit downgrades and the Euro zone crisis, all of which have resulted in investors looking out for new avenues and other sectors for investment,? comments Kothari.

With many limited partners reassessing their current investment allocation in the private equity industry, it is becoming increasingly important for general partners to look beyond their usual sources of capital.

Fund raising statistics for 2011 indicate that Asia and the rest of the world have accounted for 22.4 per cent of the annual private equity funds raised globally. This compares to 8.6 per cent in 2003 and about 15.9 per cent of committed capital in 2006 from the same region.

Moreover, studies show that investors from these regions may increase their allocations to private equity asset class over the next 10 years. This would reinforce the increasing role that this region will play in the industry in the future. Private equity funds therefore, need to broaden their scope of fund raising to new regions and scout for potential investors in economies outside Europe and North America.

?Emerging economies provide an attractive avenue for divestment to investors who are willing to broaden their scope,? advises Kothari. ?These countries have greater fund raising opportunities and greater scope for growth when compared to developed countries in the current economic scenario.?

If you are interested in more information on Frost & Sullivan?s latest study Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment Trends in Financial Services Industry in Europe, please send an e-mail with your contact details to Chiara Carella, Corporate Communications, at chiara.carella@frost.com( mailto:chiara.carella@frost.com ).

Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment Trends in Financial Services Industry in Europe (M7FB) is part of the Financial Benchmarking in the Business and Financial Services Industry subscription, which also includes research services in the following markets: Analysis of Private Equity and Venture Capital trends in Financial Services Industry in North America, Industry Snapshot of Global REITs sector, Industry Snapshot of Global Insurance Sector, Financial Assessment of Global Banking Industry. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.

Frost & Sullivan?s Business and Financial Services group serves clients around the world in all aspects of financial analysis, market research and monitoring, due diligence, idea generation, opportunity analysis, investment valuation, and other proprietary research.

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Chiara Carella
Corporate Communications ? Europe
P: +44 (0) 20 7343 8314
M: +44 (0) 753 3017689
E: chiara.carella@frost.com


Source: http://asiarelease.asia/frost-sullivan-on-private-equity-emerging-economies-offer-attractive-fund-raising-opportunities-and-scope-for-growth/

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