>>> the young star of "two and a half men" is addressing the backlash to his video rant against the show. angus t. jones urged people not to watch it, but now he's issuing an apology to his co-workers. next's kristen dahlgren is in los angeles this morning with more. good morning to you.
>> reporter: good morning, savannah. didn't take long before this went viral, received so much widespread media attention before angus t. jones offered up some more comments, this time with a much different tone. he is the half on "two and a half men" who stirred up a whole lot of controversy when he said this.
>> please stop watching "two and a half men." i'm on "two and a half men," and i don't want to be on it. please stop watching it, please stop filling your head with filth.
>> reporter: late tuesday angus t. jones released a different statement. i apologize if my remarks reflect me showing indifference to and disrespect of my colleagues and a lack of appreciation of the extraordinary opportunity of which i have been blessed. jones , who has literally grown up on the show playing jake harper over the last ten years, didn't retract his earlier comments, but he did praise warner brothers which produces the hit show and his co-workers. i also want all of the crew and the cast on our show to know how much i personally care for hem and appreciate their support, guidance and love over the years. it is a far cry from what jones , who was baptized as a safvantist said in the "forerunner crone calls, "a religious publication.
>> can you not be on a television show and be a god-fearing individual.
>> reporter: we can get all the answers and truth, wow, winning.
>> after jones ' comments first surfaced sheen told "people" magazine it's radically clear to me that the show is cursed. "two and a half men" has two episodes still to shoot before the holiday break , and sources tell nbc it's purely coincidence that both episodes, written long before jones ' video, don't include him.
>> reporter: now when they come back in 2013 to film the rest of the season's episodes, he is supposed to be in some of those episodes, so that's when we'll see if he's going stay or if he's going to least show.
>> now warner brothers and cbs offered no comments. i guess fans will just have to tune n.exactly, savannah what, jones was trying to discourage them from doing.
>> reporter: bet the producers would like that. kristen dahlgren in los angeles , thanks so much.
Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49991800/
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