Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Error: Cannot Find Symbol, Problem With GUI For Area/volume Of ...

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    1 Replies - 21 Views - Last Post: Today, 09:52 PM Rate Topic: -----

    #1 kingu_sa_kashi ?Icon User is offline

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    Posted Today, 09:31 PM

    Hey there everyone, I have this task for Java where I must create a GUI for calculating the area/volume of a circle. Our instructor gave us the hints//reminders and we are supposed to fill in the actual code. Here Is the code for GUI that I have so far:
 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*;   public class CircleTestGUI extends JFrame implements ActionListener {  // declare GUI components JLabel lblRadiusInput; JTextField txtRadiusInput; JLabel lblEchoInput; JTextField txtEchoInput; JLabel lblAreaOutput; JTextField txtAreaOutput; JLabel lblCircumferenceOutput; JTextField txtCircumferenceOutput; JLabel lblClickToCompute; JButton compute; JPanel panInterface; JPanel panGUI; // declare two global instance variables related to inputs boolean validInput; double radiusInput = 0.0;  public void init( ) {  JPanel panInterface = new JPanel( ); panInterface.setLayout( new GridLayout(1, 1) );  panInterface = createGUI( );  setContentPane(panInterface);  }  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent userClick) {  // call method to obtain and validate input // perform computations only if method returns true if (validateInput( )) {  if (userClick.getSource( ) == compute) {  // instantiate an object of type Circle // with the valid radius inputted by the user Circle One = new Circle (radiusInput); // echo back the input to the user txtEchoInput.setText(Double.toString(One.getRadius( ))); // call the method to compute the area // convert the numeric answer to a string with four places after the decimal point // set the text in the appropriate JTextField txtAreaOutput.setText(One.toPrecisionFourString(One.computeArea(One))); // call the method to compute the circumference // convert the numeric answer to a string with four places after the decimal point // set the text in the appropriate JTextField txtCircumferenceOutput.setText(One.toPrecisionFourString(One.computeVolume(One))); // a finalizer to free up memory allocation on Circle One One = null;  }  }  }  public JPanel createGUI( ) {  JPanel panGUI = new JPanel( ); panGUI.setLayout( new GridLayout(5, 2, 5, 5) );  // developing input row lblRadiusInput = new JLabel("Please input the radius: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT); panGUI.add(lblRadiusInput);  txtRadiusInput = new JTextField(6); panGUI.add(txtRadiusInput);  // developing command button row for program execution lblClickToCompute = new JLabel("Click button to solve: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT); panGUI.add(lblClickToCompute);  compute = new JButton("Compute"); compute.addActionListener(this); panGUI.add(compute);  // developing output row for echo of the input lblEchoInput = new JLabel("Echoing your input: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT); panGUI.add(lblEchoInput);  txtEchoInput = new JTextField(5); txtEchoInput.setEditable(false); panGUI.add(txtEchoInput);  // developing output row for area lblAreaOutput = new JLabel("The area of the circle: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT); panGUI.add(lblAreaOutput);  txtAreaOutput = new JTextField(15); txtAreaOutput.setEditable(false); panGUI.add(txtAreaOutput);  // developing output row for circumference lblCircumferenceOutput = new JLabel("The circumference of the circle: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT); panGUI.add(lblCircumferenceOutput);  txtCircumferenceOutput = new JTextField(15); txtCircumferenceOutput.setEditable(false); panGUI.add(txtCircumferenceOutput);  return panGUI;  }  public boolean validateInput( ) {  validInput = true;  try {  radiusInput = Double.parseDouble(txtRadiusInput.getText( ));  }  catch (NumberFormatException nfeDouble) {  // give error message when input can't be parsed to double JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You need to enter a number", "Input Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // set boolean variable to false when // received an invalid input validInput = false; // blanking out inputs and any previous outputs // when input is invalid txtRadiusInput.setText(""); txtEchoInput.setText(""); txtAreaOutput.setText(""); txtCircumferenceOutput.setText("");  }  return validInput;  }  } 

    When I compile and run the code, I get the following errors:

 ----jGRASP exec: javac -g error: cannot find symbol Circle One = new Circle (radiusInput); ^   symbol:   class Circle   location: class CircleTestGUI error: cannot find symbol Circle One = new Circle (radiusInput);                  ^   symbol:   class Circle   location: class CircleTestGUI 2 errors   ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.  ----jGRASP: operation complete. 

    My mind is drawing a blank and I haven't been able to fix the error. Any input on how I could fix it?

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    Replies To: Error: cannot find symbol, problem with GUI for area/volume of circle

    #2 Bountyhunter1234 ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Error: cannot find symbol, problem with GUI for area/volume of circle

    Posted Today, 09:52 PM

    first you dont have a class Circle i think you mean CircleTestGUI on line 51 also you are calling for a radius but you dont have a constructor that needs radius

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