Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Benefit Of Commercial Flood Protection | The Article Resource ...


The Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) administers flood protection ordinances around the country. They have developed a series of maps for the United States that depict the location of floodplains for all the major rivers, creeks, and lakes. Insurance companies can issue flood insurance to individuals based on the location of their homes or buildings in relation to the floodplain. Commercial flood protection can also be obtained through this method for businesses and corporations.

Flood water can cause more damage to a property than any other type of disaster. If water enters a building during a rainstorm, it will destroy the walls, flooring, furniture, and anything else it contacts. The restoration of these buildings can be extremely expensive once the floodwaters recede. It is essential for any individual or business that owns a home or building located next to a floodable area to have flood insurance to pay for these damages.

Flood insurance is required by most lenders for any building located along a floodplain. The insurance is typically divided into two categories; properties that have flood plain on just the land and properties that have buildings located in the floodplain. Individuals or businesses that have floodable property that just involve the open land will typically pay a lower rate than those that have buildings or homes that are in harms way during a large rain fall event. In some instances, banks will refuse to lend money if they determine the buildings are in too much danger of being flooded.

Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was a prime example of how damaging flood waters can be. Hundreds of businesses were flooded during that event. The levees along the Mississippi River broke and water rushed into the low lying areas of the city. Many of the businesses that were flooded never opened back up because the costs to repair the damage from the flood was too much for them to bear. If they would have had flood protection, their story may have ended differently.

Engineers have worked with FEMA on the flood maps that cover the nation. Most of the maps have a high level of accuracy and detail that make determining flood locations very easy for any individual. If a business is considering locating next to a creek, river, or lake that has a high probability of flooding, they should consider purchasing commercial flood protection from their insurance provider. The cost to repair and replace everything that will be damaged during a flood is too much to bear for most businesses.

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